Sunday, July 5, 2009

I can't get the css and js files to work properly on a new blogger template. Can someone help?

This is driving me nuts. I've been working on it for 2 days and I can't get it to work. I'm no programmer, and I downloaded this new template.
I can't get the css and js files to work properly on a new blogger template. Can someone help?
without seeing your stylesheet code i can only suggest you check how you referenced the css and js files.

stylesheets should be referenced inside the %26lt;HEAD%26gt; section as follows:

%26lt;link rel=stylesheet href=path/to/stylesheet.css type=text/css%26gt;

your javascript can be referenced something like this:

%26lt;script language=javascript src=path/to/scriptfile.js%26gt;

of course, substitute the path to the files in place of the "path/to/filename" i used in the example. (" for example)

good luck!

of your references are right then your culprit might be within the script or stylesheet themselves. post that code so we can see it and maybe we can catch something for you.
Reply:you could refer to the place where you got it. ask the owner or look for a help page. you could search for some css and js tutorials to help you fix it.

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