Thursday, July 16, 2009

Malaysia Today Blogger detain by Internal Security Act.?

Can such act helps security or harm it more.

What he publish is an expression of freedom. My grand father says innocent are not effected by what you say or write but he is not here to defend his statement. What is your view and what is the better way to live in this world free as a bird.
Malaysia Today Blogger detain by Internal Security Act.?
The sole intention of the ISA act was to suppress the communist and or during emergency time such as war.

The ISA is actually not applicable during peace time.

The reason as to why the USA , UK and Australia have a law similar to the ISA is because simply that they are infact at war .

The Gulf War.

umno government uses the ISA to suppress their enemies.As Malaysia is not in any war. Except AnWar .

Malaysia uses the ISA to silences its critics.

What RPK said and written are correct as well as incorrect.

However we do have laws but the umno government does not intends to use the law.

umno wants to silence its critics.

I guess your grand father did not have the chance to read MT or articles written by RPK. Or else he will say that the innocent are affected.

If there are no religion on this Big Blue Marble half of human's problems in this world will disappear.

No country , no boundaries and no racist.
Reply:don't put me in trouble,I am a Malaysian.thank you.anyway,no command.
first name

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